Maintaining and operating roadways, toll road facilities, and staffing traffic management centers. Also includes operating a small water utility.

Experience Areas

Asset Maintenance services provided by LBS include:

Highway Maintenance

  • Roadway asset management, including signage, guardrails, drainage, road markings, rights of way, landscaping, and debris/litter removal
  • Facility management services, including building, toll-booth, and gantry maintenance and repair
  • Incident management and emergency response services

Toll Road Operations

  • Comprehensive toll road operations and management services to financial investors including operations, staffing of key senior positions, planning and oversight of major life-cycle capex programs
  • Major life cycle project management and oversight
  • Traffic management center operations and staff augmentation

Utility Operations & Maintenance

  • Water utility operations and maintenance, including potable water and sewage treatment plant operations, distribution and gathering system maintenance, customer billing, and incident response services
