Operating and maintaining passenger and cargo air terminals, broader based operations for the U.S. military, as well as a small general aviation facility, providing airfield logistics support, and performing lifecycle maintenance on armored vehicles.

Experience Areas

Mission Support services provided by LBS include:

Aerial Port Operations

  • Aircraft ground handling
  • Air terminal operations control and follow-me services
  • Passenger terminal operations, including passenger and baggage handling services

Cargo Logistics

  • Cargo terminal operations, including military cargo packaging and movement
  • Air ground equipment maintenance
  • Airfield operations support and force augmentation

Base Operations Support Services

  • Base operating supporting services (BOSS)
  • Warehousing and supply operations and management
  • Maintenance, repair and overhaul of military vehicles

Commercial Services

  • Cargo and crew services to commercial carriers
  • Maintenance of general aviation
  • Terminals
